Calculation speed | Faster calculations because of OLAP technology | Slow calculations with large number of rows | Slow calculations with large number of rows |
Flexibility | Flexibility is higher than SAP or Oracle, but lower than Excel | High flexibility | High flexibility |
Scalability | Simple scalability | Scalability leads to errors and requires a lot of resources | Scalability leads to errors and requires a lot of resources |
Data relevance | Reports are recalculated automatically | The need to open and recalculate all the Excel files in the chain. | Formula import from another doc is customized for each cell |
Self-service | Cost of deployment is low but more expensive than Excel | Low implementation cost | Low implementation cost |
Outage prevention | No possibility of outages. Backups are stored in the cloud. | High possibility of outages while working online | High possibility of outages while working online |
Access control for users | High data security. Employees see only intended info | Access to each sheet/file must be configured for each employee | Input in cells can be limited, but copying data cannot be prohibited |
Cell history | Individual/group cell history and changes by single user | No cell history function | History of an individual cell |
Data storage | Stores any volume of data in SQL/noSQL formats, builds data marts for BI/EPM | All data is stored in a file | All data is stored in a document |
Potential loss of data | Single source of data, making data loss impossible | High risks of data loss | High risks of data loss |
Role access functionality | Role Access | No Role Access | No Role Access |
Workflow coverage | Workflow tool | No Workflow tool | No Workflow tool |
Individual views and filters | Ability to save a customized table view for each user | A table set up for one user may be inconvenient for another | Users can only save their filters for a table, but not its position. |
Planning approaches | Hierarchical data. Automatic data aggregation | Usage of pivot table, that is not comfortable | Writing a formula for each cell |
Data consolidation | Bottom-up planning, goal cascading | Manual formation of a separate table | Manual formation of a separate table |
Analytics tools | Traceability and Drill Down to a transaction | Availability of traceability but absence of Drill Down | No traceability and Drill Down |
Process optimization | Optimization planning | Individual statistical formulas | Individual statistical formulas |
Version and scenario analysis | Automated version and scenario analysis | Manual configuration of versions and scenarios | Manual configuration of versions and scenarios |